Monthly Archives: June 2012

The Art of Public Speaking Dale Carnagie ebook




This is a 320 page book (in PDF format) that you can download by clicking here.

Who is Dale Carnegie?

It’s actually Who was Dale Carnegie. Dale has been dead for half century but his books are still amongst the best sellers today. “How to win friends and influence people” has sold over 7 million copies.

Carnegie was an American writer and lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills.

Carnegie was an early proponent of what is now called responsibility assumption, although this only appears minutely in his written work. One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people’s behavior by changing one’s reaction to them. His work is still highly relevant.

The “Art of Public Speaking” is a tremendous book, and it’s free for you to download here: Art_of_public_speaking_Dale_Carnegie


How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnagie ebook

How to win friends and influence people

How to win friends and influence people

How to win friends and influence people

This grandfather of all people-skills books was first published in 1937. It was an overnight hit, eventually selling 15 million copies. How to Win Friends and Influence People is just as useful today as it was when it was first published, because Dale Carnegie had an understanding of human nature that will never be outdated. Financial success, Carnegie believed, is due 15 percent to professional knowledge and 85 percent to “the ability to express ideas, to assume leadership, and to arouse enthusiasm among people.” He teaches these skills through underlying principles of dealing with people so that they feel important and appreciated. He also emphasizes fundamental techniques for handling people without making them feel manipulated. Carnegie says you can make someone want to do what you want them to by seeing the situation from the other person’s point of view and “arousing in the other person an eager want.” You learn how to make people like you, win people over to your way of thinking, and change people without causing offense or arousing resentment. For instance, “let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers,” and “talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.” Carnegie illustrates his points with anecdotes of historical figures, leaders of the business world, and everyday folks.

Download free pdf ebook How_Influence_People_Carnagie



Craziest Jokes 1st June, 2012

Hi people,


It’s this time of the year… it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere and time to go for holidays 🙂


Well how about some funny away messages…….



This is Bob.

If you are the phone company, I already sent the money.

If you are my parents, please send money.

If you are my financial institution, you didn’t lend me enough money.

If you are my friends, you owe me some money.

If you are a female, don’t worry – I have plenty of money.

Hi, you’ve reached the home of George Ledec.

If you are calling to collect a student loan, gambling debt, or other obligation, please press 1 and hang up now.

If you are selling any product or service, or requesting charitable donations, please press 2 and hang up now.

Otherwise, leave your message after the beep.

Hello, this is David.

I don’t live here, so if you were trying to call me, you’ve dialed the wrong number.

On the other hand, if you were trying to call John, Jim, or Eric, please leave your name and number at the tone.

I don’t guarantee that one of them will call you back—only that I won’t.

Hello, this is the Brown residence.

We’re in the middle of a family fight right now. Leave your name and number at the beep and whoever wins will call you right back.

This call may be recorded or monitored for quality and training purposes.

If you don’t wish this call to be monitored or recorded, then please let the answering machine know when you leave your message.

After the tone, please leave a massage — my shoulders really could use it, and… What? You’re only supposed to leave a MESSAGE? Darn….

Hi, we aren’t in at the moment, if you are trying to sell us something please start speaking now and hang up at the beep, everyone else start speaking at the beep and hang up when you’ve finished.

This is Deb’s answering machine.

I’m SO depressed.

I have 50,000 times the memory capacity of my owner, but all I get to do is answer the phone.

Don’t talk to me about life.

Just leave your name and number after the beep.

Here comes the beep, God how I hate that beep, it’s so cheery sounding.


Do you ever feel, like, your head is full of sand, not your regular loose sand mind you, but compacted sand, and there were like, I dunno, bugs or something jumping up and down on the compacted sand?

Well, sometimes I do. Bye.

Haha, I sometimes feel the last one applies to myself 🙂

These are soime jokes from Crazy enough? lol

Gradini Botanice din Romania




Gradinile Botanice sunt o oaza de liniste, relaxare si culoare in orasele dominate de zgomot, poluare si asfalt. In Romania, exista cateva Gradini Botanice amenajate si intretinute in marile orase, infrumusetate cu specii deosebite de plante, arbori spectaculosi, alei si poteci salbatice si iazuri.




Gradina Botanica din Bucuresti



Gradina Botanica “Dimitrie Brandza” a Universitatii din Bucuresti poarta numele botanistului roman care a contribuit la mutarea ei in spatiul actual de pe Soseaua Cotroceni si, ulterior, la dezvoltarea ei. In 1891, Gradina Botanica a fost inaugurata insa, din pacate, dupa numai un an, o inundatie a afectat grav plantele si serele. In timpul Primului si celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, gradina a suferit avarii grave din cauza bombardamentelor si a trupelor care au invadat orasul.








Gradina Botanica din Iasi

Grading Botanica “Anastasie Fatu” din Iasi a fost infiintata in anul 1856 de catre medicul Anastasie Fatu. Este cea mai veche gradina botanica din Romania, amenajata pe proprietatea privata a medicului. Dupa moartea acestuia, se infiinteaza o a doua gradina in apropierea primei, sub stricta supraveghere a lui Dimitrie Brandza. De atunci, au mai fost amenajate inca trei astfel de gradini, ultima dintre ele, datand din 1921, fiind si cea care exista astazi in Dealul Copoului din Iasi.








In prezent, Gradina Botanica din Iasi se intinde pe o suprafata de 100 de hectare. Este organizata pe 12 sectoare ce cuprind specii spectaculoase de arbori, plante exotice, mediteraneene si trandafiri. In sectorul sistematic se cultiva circa 2000 de specii de plante destinate studiului elevilor si studentilor. Sectorul flora si vegetatia Romaniei are o suprafata de 25 de hectare si reda vegetatia Romaniei impartita pe etaje. Urmeaza sectorul ornamental, dendrologic, flora globului, plante utilitare, sectorul serelor, rozariul, plante memoriale, sectorul recreativ si cel didactic-experimental.




Gradina Botanica din Cluj-Napoca

Gradina Botanica “Alexandru Borza” a Universitatii Babes-Bolyai din Cluj, infiintata in 1920, cuprinde peste 10 000 de plante impartite in cinci sectoare distincte. Se intinde pe aproape 14 hectare si este vizitata atat de cetatenii municipiului Cluj-Napoca, cat si de turisti. Atractiile principale ale Gradinii Botanice sunt Gradina japoneza, amenajata in stil japonez, si Gradina romana, dominata de plantele specifice agriculturii romanesti in care sunt asezate vestigii romane din colonia romana antica Napoca.

Flora si vegetatia Gradinii Botanice cuprinde specii din regiunile Romaniei (Moldova, Oltenia, Banat, Transilvania, litoralul romanesc, Muntii Carpati), dar si varietati aduse din Caucaz, Balcani, Himalaya si Marea Mediterana.






In sere sunt cultivate plante ecuatoriale si tropicale precum lotusul amazonian, cocotieri, palmieri, ficusi, ferigi, orhidee, bromelii si plante suculente. Gradina japoneza a fost decorata cu o casuta in stil japonez asezata langa un lac artificial. In mijlocul acestuia a fost amenajata o mica insula de pe malul careia porneste un pod pana pe uscat, la piciorul caruia se afla o poarta sacra japoneza. Gradina a adunat de-a lungul timpului specii de plante originare din Orientul Indepartat.




Gradina Botanica din Jibou

Gradina Botanica a Institutului de Cercetari Biologice din Jibou, judetul Salaj, se intinde pe o suprafata de 24 de hectare. Profesorul Vasile Fati a pus bazele infiintarii gradinii, care a avut si functia de director al gradinii.


Gradina Botanica cuprinde o colectie impresionanta de plante exotice, iar serele adapostesc un fond bogat de plante tropicale, subtropicale si mediteraneene, palmieri si un acvariu de plante tropicale. Exista, de asemenea, un sector de plante utile, plante ornamentale si un ierbar.